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GG Queen Infestatia Acrylic Pin

GG Queen Infestatia Acrylic Pin

Regular price $ 106.00
Regular price Sale price $ 106.00
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These Acrylic Pins are 2" tall w/ a rubber backer. There is also a clear plastic film to protect the pin during shipping you can peel off on arrival to you.

Queen Infestatia

Infectious Evil Ruler of the Swarm!

Queen Infestatia has her eyes set on one thing: ruling the Ghoulverse! Her Roach Warrior subjects follow her without question. Any planet that might oppose her rule, she uses her ability to infect the inhabitants, transforming them into her obedient hive-minded Swarm Army. Making her goal of ruling the Ghoulverse that much closer to reality. As her rule spreads, she’s set on infecting planet Monsteria next

Queen Infestatia has taken over much of the Ghoulverse. Turning the inhabitants of planet after planet into her mindless drones, adding them to her ever-growing ruthless Swarm!

Using the powers of the ancient Gravestones, can the Gravestone Guardians stop the evil invasion and save their Planet of Monsteria, and the Ghoulverse?

Gravestone Guardians Monster Up!

Part of the Dollstalgia Collection, celebrating dolls!

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